Vasudhaiv Kutum Kam


The essential Sanaatani Philosophy -- Omni-Present Brahma -- makes a Sanaatani have reverence for all creation: living and non-living. This gets manifested in Sanaatani worshipping Sun, Moon, Mountains, Rivers, Trees, Animals etc. Different beings represent different category: e.g. Tulsi, Peepal, Bargad, Banana, Mango Leaves etc. represent plant kingdom, Cow represent animal kingdom, most rivers, sun, moon represent natural beigs [we would prefer to call these as being as opposed to objects, since these are also made of Isha tattva].

This same philosophy guides behavior of Sanaatani Society in non-descrimination of anyone one any basis -- color, caste, sect, race, religion, way of living, way of worship etc. They understand that different groups of people have different way of worship, living and thinking, yet they are manifestation of same Isha. This approach has cost Sanaatani tremendously, especially in last few milleniums, yet getting most of Sanaatanis to abondon this thought and be pragmatic and stand-up to safeguard their own way of thinking [by preserving the society] has been extra-ordinarly challenging.

This is the reason, Indic darshans vary from purely theirstic thinkig to atheist, such thinkers are respected for their thoughts. 

All persecuted people -- Parsis, Jews, some Christians, Ahmediyas - have lived happily in India. India can rightly boast of having people of all religion and faiths and various sects within them.